Don’t fancy cleaning and prepping your combine for next season?
We have high quality used combines - cleaned and prepared for Harvest 2022. With the following added benefits:
2 seasons of Greenshield Protection
4 years 0% finance (based on 50% of the sale price)
Expert checked by fully trained technicians
Fully serviced & field ready
Delivered to your door
Fully set up & installed by our Specialist Harvest Team
1. John Deere S670i 2017 630X Header AT ready 400/292 hours (Stock No.11010766)
2. John Deere T670i 2017 Hillmaster 625R Header 540/351 hours (Stock No. 21120901)
3. John Deere T560i 2015 Hillmaster 622X Header 788/458 hours (Stock No. 11123375)
4. John Deere T560i 2016 Level Land 532/356 hours 625X Header (Stock No.11121682)
5. John Deere T560i 2017 Level Land 399/243 hours 625X Header (Stock No.11121651)
6. John Deere T560i 2019 Hillmaster 260/158 hours 622R Header (Stock No. 21122590)
(Greenshield Protection & 0% are subject to availability and T&Cs)
If you'd liked to know more about any of these machines, please call your local Sales Rep or call Matt Bufton on 01704 468009